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延寿宫命案 剧情

这部片子名为「延寿宫命案」,是由导演指导的,于2018年在越南上映,属于剧情。Thanh Duy,Nhan Le,Quang Trung,童映琼,Emma Lime,Liz Kim Cuong Lime,Suni Ha Linh,Mau Dat,Tran Bao Bao,阮垂英,Thanh Tran,Hoai Tan,Dao Ba Loc,Lieu Ha Trinh,陈可如等人是这部电影的主演之一,他们的表现引人注目。在影迷世界上连续播映了51507次的「延寿宫命案」,这一数字充分彰显了它在观众心中的地位和影响力。
  Ten famous people transformed into concubines in the palace, speculate together about who are murderers lurking among them. Every night, murderous concubines will choose a concubine to kill her. The next day, the survivors will try to discuss and find out who is the murderer to handle forensic punishment. Host of the game, no one other than Thanh Duy as a majesty, the cause of ...

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