

德里纳河进行曲 剧情

《德里纳河进行曲》德里纳河进行曲BD无修版是在1964年由才华横溢的导演日沃拉德·米特罗维奇执导,在南斯拉夫播出的一部引人入胜的剧情。演员阵容中有Aleksandar Gavric,留巴·塔迪奇,Nikola Jovanovic,Vladimir Popovic,Husein Cokic,布兰科·普莱沙,D·保江尼奇·吉德拉,Strahinja Petrovic,Bozidar Drnic,佐兰·拉德米洛维奇,Branislav Jerinic,吕毕莎·约万诺维奇,Pavle Bogatincevic,Ljubica Golubovic,Bogdan Mihailovic,普雷德拉格·梅林克维奇,Bozidar Pavicevic-Longa,Petar Prlicko,Ruzica Sokic,Dragomir Stanojevic-Bata Kameni,Rastko Tadic,Predrag Tasovac,Milorad-Misa Volic,Stevan Minja等主角。影迷世界上已连续播放了57310次的《德里纳河进行曲》德里纳河进行曲BD无修版,持续成为了观众钟爱的内容之一。
  The title, translated to english, is "The march of Drina". This Yugoslav film is most notable for it's topic, handling of the same and circumstances.
  The film was made during the communist era of Yugoslavia. Unlike 99% of war movies made during that time, this one doesn't deal with WW2 and communist revolution, but a historic and epic battle of WW1.
  The topic was handled excell...

德里纳河进行曲 评论
