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DeInfiltrant 剧情

此为导演Jol Vanhoebrouck指导的「DeInfiltrant」免费蓝光最新更新,在2018年在比利时首播的动作。这部影片由基尔特·范·朗拜博格,德克·洛弗特,Natali Broods,彼得·范·登·贝京,Wouter Hendrickx等主演,他们的出色表演将给观众留下深刻印象。「DeInfiltrant」免费蓝光最新更新在影迷世界播放次数已达11800次,清楚展现了它备受欢迎,观众持续追逐着它。
  Danny Desmedt is about to close a deal. But boy, is he at the wrong time at the wrong place. His new "client", Freddy 'Transbern' Bernaerts turns out to be a drug trafficker, under secret surveillance by the police. And Danny - is a convicted con artist. He is about to end up behind bars again. Unless - he agrees to work as an infiltrator for the police, penetrating deeply into...

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